What is a gastroscopy?
The gastroscopy is a test that allows the physician to evaluate symptoms of upper digestive tract as upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and difficulty swallowing. It is also the best test for finding the cause of bleeding in the upper digestive system. It is very accurate in finding inflammation, ulcers and tumors in the esophagus, stomach and duodenal bulb. It lasts from 3 to 7 minutes and is done by the patient in right lateral couchant position. The endoscopy is painless examination. . However, the passage of gastroskopiou the throat causes vomiting, but usually exceeded easily with the help of endoscope medicine.The entrance is the mouth with the prior xylokaini oropharyngeal anesthesia and mild sedation ( "intoxication"). So The patient tolerated well the discussion; gastroscopy is a thin and flexible endoscope, promoting the esophagus up to the duodenal bulb. The endoscope is called gastroskopio and is on the edge of a small camera and a light source that allows the physician to obtain images of the upper digestive system on the screen.
The doctor may take a biopsy during gastroscopy to be able to distinguish benign from kaoithi cells. Apart from this, the doctor may take biopsies for various reasons such as to check whether there is Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium that causes ulcers.To do the examination, the patient should be 7 hours without eating anything and the last 3 should not have drunk no water. After examination, it is accompanied by an adult. You should not drive and consume alcohol. The food is allowed after 1-2 hours.